Productive Things To Do On A Sunday

I LOOOVE me some lazy days. Especially so when I’ve had a long workweek, am in the midst of wedding planning, scheduling blog posts, and working on new inventory for Stick & Stone Co. …lazy days where I get to do NOTHING are gems! However, I also am a sucker for being organized, prepared, making lists, and getting stuff done. So in order to prepare for a wonderfully stress-free week ahead, Sundays are usually my days to map out the things I have to do to stay on my A game. In order to have a productive week with my schedule, planning ahead is mandatory!

Here are 15 things you can do on Sundays to get ready for your week:

1.  Make a list of any goals to accomplish for that week. My list has categories for work, creative stuff, exercise, and date nights with John.

2.  Catch up on any emails and mark the ones that are important (I usually flag or star these ones so I can go back and quickly find them).

3.  Create a to-do list for your week according to each day. Setting deadlines for yourself totally works to stay motivated!

4.  File away any receipts from purchases the previous week. I have a cute filing folder thing that has labels like car info, misc. bills, school, etc.

5.  Map out some creative time. I usually do this by designating days I want to publish a blog post, Instagram photo for Stick & Stone Co., make new tassels, go on a photo adventure, etc.

6.  Map out some rest time. This is also crucial so you don’t get burnt out. For example, my rest time usually starts around 7pm before bed. I’ll silent my phone, get washed up, read a book, throw on a movie, have a small snack and space out…my brain works overtime 24-7 so having time to not think about anything is so necessary for me.

7.  Clean up! I normally do laundry, vacuum, wash my bedsheets, etc. all over the weekend.

8.  Organize your area. Usually after I send out bulk orders for tassels, my work desk looks like such a hot mess. I’ll regroup beads together, thank you notes, reorganize my library shelf, get my makeup back in order, etc.

9.  Plan out your outfits for the week. Or at least have a general idea of what outfits you’d want to wear. I do this by matching tops to bottoms and accessorizing, then putting everything back on a hanger so it’s ready to go on the day I want to wear it.

10.  Schedule gym time! And if you can’t make it to the gym, schedule work-out time. I have a gym bag that’s packed and ready to go at all times in case I do an inpromptu gym dash, or when I don’t have time after my 8-5 I’ll lay out my yoga mat and do some workouts in my room.

11.  Schedule out at least one date with a friend. It’s important to have some sort of social life aside from work life! Something like drinks after work, a morning jog, lunch or dinner are all good ideas.

12.  Take some time to refresh your brain. Think about what you could’ve done differently last week that you could do this week, take time to journal out your thoughts, or just meditate on some future plan you’re really excited about to get those happy endorphins going (like a vacation or weekend getaway!).

13.  Figure out your weekly priorities. For me (this may sound silly) but it’s remembering to PACK A STINKIN LUNCH for work during the week. I hate going out to buy stuff everyday, and healthy + protein rich food is totally a priority when you’re pulling 8-10 hour workdays.

14.  If you don’t have one going already, start a savings goal. It can be for a vacation in a few months, a glorious new pair of shoes, a massage and facial, (or in my case, a wedding) anything where you can treat yourself and have something to look forward to going back to #12.

15.  Encourage yourself! This one is the most crucial to keep yourself from getting stuck in mental ruts. Work is tough, being creative takes brain power, wedding planning takes time, and sometimes all I wanna do is faceplant onto my bed and not move for like 6 hours. But encouraging myself (and thanks to my sweetheart fiance for being an amazing encourager as well <3) gets me through the week and pumps me up for the weeks to come 🙂

How do you like to prep for your week? Leave a comment below!

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